
How to Succeed – 2xCD


8 subjects inspiringly presented by the author. Acquire an affirmative attitude that generates  greater self-confidence. Develop an appealing personality. Get your health in proper and balanced order. Understand and use the cosmic laws to cope with handicaps, problems, fear and worry and thus, improve your life. Listen, learn, then  use the powerful techniques  to put and keep yourself on the path to happiness, achievement and worthwhile success.

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Screen Acting

How to succeed in Motion Pictures and Television.
Creative techniques on personal presentation and screen performance skills.
One of the most comprehensive books on camera acting. The 378 information-packed pages cover classic technique and Stanislavski’s method.  Tips from stars, winning casting interviews,  controlling performance nerves. A magical actors’ handbook
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Sales Cybernetics

The Psychology of Selling.
It’s been acclaimed as one of the best books written on selling.
A totally new approach.

Discover secrets of top sales professionals. Learn the art of negotiation, prospecting,

Impressive communication/motivation. Must reading for sales managers,  sales reps and business owners.

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How to Succeed

Dynamic mind principles that transform your life.
The key to all achievement begins with your ability to control what and how you think.
This book reveals how to harness the power of your subconscious mind and how to align with the 10 cosmic laws to attract the life you want.
216 pages of dynamic mind principles that help bring peace of mind, self-confidence, better health, creative achievement and rich living. This book could dramatically and beneficially change your life.
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Grow Rich

Wealth strategies for those who want to really achieve.
Read this inspiring book to improve your personal skills,creativity,income earning ability through attitude expansion.
Discover wealth-making secrets of the rich and famous. Join them. The “how to” is in this inspirational book.  Must reading for future entrepreneurs.
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Grow Rich – 1xCD


10 subjects dynamically presented by the author. Achieve the very best in life.  Impressively present yourself. Improve skills.  Overcome problems. Acquire a millionaire mentality to increase  wealth. Become a respected leader. A new method to successfully program your internal success mechanism.

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Achieving Greater Success – 1xCD


8  powerful subjects to stimulate your thinking and get your life into top gear. Effectively use the powers of your mind.  Become a  true self-power, a high achiever, a person others look up to. Recorded in digital stereo by Brian Adams, this inspiring audio will help to enrich your life in many beneficial ways and bring greater success. A must have audio to help further improve your lifestyle.

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Grow Rich (E-Book)

Wealth strategies for those who want to really achieve.
Read this inspiring book to improve your personal skills,creativity,income earning ability through attitude expansion.
Discover wealth-making secrets of the rich and famous. Join them. The “how to” is in this inspirational book.  Must reading for future entrepreneurs.
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How to Succeed (E-book)

Dynamic mind principles that transform your life.
The key to all achievement beginswith your ability to control what and how you think.
This book reveals how to harness the power of your subconscious mind and how to align with the 10 cosmic laws to attract the life you want.
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